Sports & Other News


An earful

      Darien’s Cornfest event last weekend brought in a crowd for free corn but also included numerous other activities such as Nick’s kids show, volleyball, a tractor pull and ice cream. Among the many helpers needed to pull off the event were Matt Phillips, Lucas Schaefer and Olivia Kovacik, put […]


Elkhorn looks to widen East Page Street

Traffic from fairgrounds makes road nearly impassable By Kellen Olshefski Correspondent The City of Elkhorn is looking to widen and improve a section of East Page Street abutting the fairgrounds that is heavily affected by exiting traffic from fairgrounds events. According to Public Works Manager Matt Lindstrom, there are three […]

East Troy

Enjoy a ‘Second Helping’

St. James community meal brings people together By Tracy Ouellette SLN Staff In a world with modern technology that keeps everyone connected through the internet, there sometimes exists a dichotomy of disconnection from everyday life. The paradox is not lost on the organizers of the Second Helpings monthly supper at […]


Putting on a show

      The Spartans Drum and Bugle Corps made a stop at Elkhorn Area High School earlier this summer to get some practice time in while traveling between competitions. The Spartans organization out of New Hampshire, which was established in 1955, won the Drum Corps International Open Class last month, marking […]