The Time is Now to Help
Mother and son live in motel
Dear W.C.,
I have been living in a motel for the last few months. I am a single mother raising my ten-year-old son on my own. I lost my job I had for seven years. Six months ago our company closed. My ex-husband has not been making his child support payments for the past year. I was just making ends meet when I worked, between rent, utilities, car payments, food and then my son got sick and ended up in the hospital for several days. The extra expenses began to pile up just when my income came to a halt. I had to wait several weeks for unemployment to begin but that did not cover everything. We were evicted and my car was repossessed. The hospital has been after me for medical bill payments that I can’t even dream of paying back anytime soon.
My son and I are just grateful to have a roof over our head. I would like to apply for more jobs but do not have any transportation. I have been walking to the few employment opportunities that are close to our motel room, but they do not offer me enough hours or wages to pay for more than my motel rent. If I had a car it would help me find a job I am qualified for and one that will pay enough to support my son and I again. Please help us as there are no other opportunities for my son and I living in a motel with no transportation.
Homeless Mother and Son
Dear Readers,
When I was recently delivering meals to homeless people living in motel rooms over the holidays, the number of single women and young children amazed me. It seemed to be the largest amount I have seen in all the years I have been delivering meals and visiting recipients.
This single mother and son were living in a motel for several months. Can you imagine living in one room for months? And not having any transportation to get to job interviews, doctors visits or school events? This mother had managed to care for her son on her own, with very little if any child support. The job loss was devastating for them. I arranged to meet with the mother in a public place within walking distance of the motel.
After we introduced ourselves, we sat to talk. I sometimes have to be outspoken with people about their appearance and how it affects their opportunities for work. This mother would not need that conversation. What she did need was our help obtaining a reliable vehicle, a good job and finding a rental she could afford.
I asked about the reasons for her job loss. She told me how the company she had worked for was letting people go and getting ready to close down. I did my own research on this company and in fact it had closed when she stated.
After the job loss they were evicted and the car was repossessed. It had been a quick downward spiral into poverty, which happens more often than you would think. So many people tell me how they used to be successful professional people and life just took a quick turn in our recession. Sometimes it can be a disability or the death of a spouse, an unexpected illness. Whatever the cause may be, after we do our research, The Time Is Now to Help is there to help. Poverty can be a scary and lonely place and when you do not have any other possibilities or opportunities it can be overwhelming.
This mother showed me several job posts she wanted to apply for but did not have the transportation to get to. We went over her current budget and wage requirements to help them become independent once more. She also showed me several rental units that would be affordable. I asked about her personal belongings and she told me most had been left behind. I told her we would help her with her future household necessities. It was decided she would call on the job opportunities and report back to me.
The mother called me two days later and told me her manager from her previous job was now the manager at the new job opportunity. He knew of her hard work, job skills and told her she had the job. I also called the place of employment and spoke to the manager. We had a great conversation. He was very saddened over her present circumstances. He said he knew she would do a great job due to the seven years they had worked together at their previous employer.
The next day I called her to share the news we had obtained a donated vehicle that would be perfect. It was not fancy but would be reliable. She was overjoyed on the phone and could not stop crying and thanking us. The following day after receiving the car she called me to share the news she had started her new job. This time I was overjoyed for this mother and son, as I knew they were on the road to independence. Her voice kept breaking between her crying and her relief of our help. I explained how all our help is made possible by all of “you” Caring and Sharing for our fellow creations in desperate need.
After she began the new job we surprised the mother and son again by providing first month’s rent and security deposit for the rental apartment she had chosen. Once the lease was finalized and the move in date set, I sent the mother to Chris Ann’s Resale shop for the household necessities she had left behind when evicted. She was able to fill her new small apartment with the dishes, furniture and other needed items. After several weeks I checked in with her new employer and he said she was a great asset to the company.
Together, we will continue to replace the fear, pain and suffering of poverty, with compassion, healing, Caring and Sharing with our hearts to change lives. Thank you for helping us achieve good works for those in desperate need.
Health & Happiness, God Bless Everyone, W.C./Sal
Please Help: Make checks payable to: The Time Is Now to Help, P.O. Box 70, Pell Lake, WI 53157. The Time Is Now to Help is a federally recognized 501(c) 3 charitable organization licensed in the states of Wisconsin and Illinois. You will receive a tax deductible, itemized thank you receipt showing exactly what every penny of your donation provided for the poverty stricken.
My Dear Friends: The W.C. Food Pantry needs your help. Because of the drought, food supplies have been scarce. Our communities have been very blessed by the dedication and hard work of Jim and Ardith Drescher, and the many volunteers that help to feed the hungry. At the end of this month the W.C. Food Pantry will lose its food storage at the Trostel warehouse. Trostel graciously donated the Trostel storage facility for many months, but now they are reopening their business. Jim Drescher has asked me to ask all of you to please network together to find a storage facility for the food. Presently the W.C. Food Pantry location has outgrown its facility. This is because of the great amount of people that are in need of food. If you know of any buildings that you think would be suitable, please contact us. Thank you for your Caring and Sharing.
A Very Special Thank You: Fox Charities, Richard H. Driehaus Charitable Lead Trust, Unilock, Kunes’ Country Auto Group, Unilock, Tom & Bev Ward, Leather Lip’s Watersports, Dave & Sharon Flitcroft, Carolyn Flitcroft, Elkhorn Roofing Co., Randy Smith, Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin, Tom & Mary Johnson, Bonnie Glennon, La Grange United Methodist Church, Mary Olson, James & Marilynn Dyer, Albert & Ellen Burnell, Anna Kiel, Violet De Wind, Melvin & Katherine McGaughey, John & Sally Dicmas, John Poiron, Beth Rendall, June Davidsen, James & Karen Goodrick, Walter & Florence Strumpf, Orval & Jane Volbrecht, Michael & Kathe Beach, Sylvester & Virginina Seick, W.C. Family Resource Center/Food Pantry volunteers, and all the God loving volunteers of all our caring food pantries, ALL of you who support The Time Is Now to Help donation boxes, and the businesses that allow our donation boxes. Anyone who would like a Time Is Now donation box in your business, please call (262) 249-7000.
Memorials: In memory of Elmer Zingle from the Zingle family. Glenda Hill in memory of her mother Virginia Bates. The following donations were given in memory of Brian Fraser: John & Sue Bagnall, John Giese, Bob & Marilyn Jacobsen, Ivan & Theresa Messerschmidt, Arlene Sommer, Dick Sievert & Barb Astin, and Gene & Janet Krauklis.
Chris Ann’s Resale Shop: I will continue to ask Chris Ann’s Resale shop for furniture and household necessities to help our poverty stricken fellow Americans. If you have anything you would like to donate please call (262) 348-9088. They are located at 406 Hwy. 120 North, Lake Geneva in the old Floor Store building across from the Shell gas station and Next Door Pub. “Look for the American Flags.”
We Desperately Need Cars: Please donate a used car to help our fellow American’s get to work and other daily necessities.
Please visit: www.timeisnowtohelp.org