State senators Steve Nass and Janis Ringhand and state Rep. Don Vruwink will be panelists for a town hall about brain injuries at 3 p.m. Tuesday, March 19, in the Whitewater City Council chambers.
Life Beyond Brain Injury, a group founded by UW-Whitewater students and alumni, is organizing the event as part of its Brain Injury Policy Day activities.
March is Brain Injury Awareness Month, and the group is sponsoring activities throughout the area to educate the public about the impact of traumatic brain injuries.
Logan McHone, a senior communications major at UW-Whitewater, sees cause for optimism in the upcoming town hall.
“There is so much misinformation about traumatic brain injuries, and I’m excited that lawmakers are showing interest in the issue and discussing policy solutions,” McHone said in a news release.
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