Kiwanis club preparing for annual pancake breakfast in Whitewater
The Kiwanis Whitewater Breakfast Club will serve its all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast from 6:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 2, at the Armory, 146 W. North St. in downtown Whitewater.
Tickets cost $5 in advance and $6 at the door for a meal that also includes sausage, coffee, milk and orange juice while helping the club raise funds for worthy projects in the community. Preschoolers eat for free.
Tickets will be available at PremierBank, First Citizen’s State Bank and Fort Community Credit Union-Whitewater. They also can be purchased from any Whitewater Kiwanian.
“I always look forward to our pancake event, where so many people enjoy great pancakes and help out the children in our community at the same time,” Kiwanis Whitewater Breakfast Club President Lorrie Koppein said in a news release.
Each year, the club distributes about $20,000, with more than half going to the Whitewater Unified School District, including Ferradermis, ELL summer school transportation, shoes for students, Badger Boys and Girls State and scholarships.
These volunteers have helped build and maintain the Flowing Well Shelter, the shelter and accessible playground at Starin Park and Treyton’s Field of Dreams, the WHS football field lights and press box, as well as adopting a highway to clean up.
In addition, the group donates to the Whitewater Youth Soccer Club, the Friends of the Whitewater Aquatic Center Family Partnership Fund, the Whitewater Food Pantry and Bethel House.
Funds are raised through the pancake breakfasts that have been served annually since the 1950s, the Discover Whitewater Series half-marathon pancake breakfast since it began and yearly poinsettia and lily plant sales.
More information can be found on the club’s Facebook page.