Whitewater’s Cravath Lake among 8 sites for second annual cleanup effort
By Todd Mishler
Copy Editor
They found footwear, tires and more typical, everyday trash. And don’t forget the parks and recreation sign, which they removed from Spring Brook near Palmer Drive in Janesville.
Creative Marketing Unlimited, the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater’s student chapter of the American Marketing Association, led a group of about 50 to 60 local participants in the Protect Wisconsin Waterways initiative in 2017.
They joined the first Rock River Sweep event, helping clean garbage from waterways in Janesville and Beloit.
On Saturday, Sept. 8, many of these same students and other environmentally supportive residents from the City of Whitewater and the Rock River Stormwater Group will take part in cleanup activities across the Rock River watershed.
The local cleanup takes place from 8 a.m. to noon with Cravath Lakefront Park as the hub, where they will try to remove as much trash as possible along its shoreline.
Evan MacDougall, a fifth-year senior at UW-W, is president of the Creative Marketing Unlimited club. He said its lofty goal is gathering 200 participants for this year’s event.
“It’s difficult because school hasn’t started, so we’ll only have about a week when students come back,” he said. “But we’ve contacted radio stations and newspapers and been busy on Facebook and social media. We’re trying to get more groups and businesses involved.”
Read more about the effort and what local organizers had to say in the Aug. 16 Whitewater Register.