Fairest a UW-Whitewater Student
By Ryan Spoehr
SLN staff
Support, family and a path to a career are all things that Avonlea Odling says were given to her in her 11 years in 4-H.
Odling, now the Walworth County Fairest of the Fair, has visited local schools telling students of what 4-H has meant to her throughout her life leading up to the deadline for children to sign up for 4-H in time to exhibit art or animals at the Walworth County Fair.
She’s a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater where she is pursuing a career which she developed a passion for while in 4-H.
Odling, an Elkhorn resident who grew up on a hobby farm, still shows beef cattle at the fair. Now at 19, this is her last year in 4-H.
“It’s sad. I’m going to miss it,” she said.
Odlin started in 4-H in third grade, the first year of eligibility for Walworth County 4-H. Last week, she visited her old third grade classroom at St. Andrew Parish School in Delavan, taught by Michele Raykovich, to tell students the benefits of being in 4-H.
“Most importantly, 4-H brought me family. When we go in the ring, we are competitive, but when we are out of the ring, we are always supportive of each other,” she said said.
To be a part of 4-H, children must go to at least five meetings, held monthly, per year. Children who have not entered third grade yet may join the Cloverbuds, a group similar to 4-H but for younger children.
“Being in 4-H is the greatest opportunity you can do. You can have fun and meet new people,” Avonlea said.
Doors opening
Despite the long interest in 4-H, Avonlea was trepidatious about being the Fairest of the Fair.
“At first, she told me ‘No, I don’t want to do this,’” Odling’s mom, Kelly, said. “You don’t know what these doors could lead to.
“I think it’s important to get these kind of opportunities. It’s a duty and a job. It teaches discipline and organization. It gets her prepared for her next journey.”
Being in 4-H has led Odling to become Fairest of the Fair, and develop more self confidence to be able to speak in front of large groups, like the class at St. Andrew, as Fairest of the Fair.
For more on her journey through 4-H and the coming deadline to show in this year’s fair, pick up a copy of Feb. 22 Whitewater Register.