By Dave Fidlin
Despite the sleepy, slumbering summer hiatus, two candidates emerged for an open position on the Whitewater Common Council for a district that largely represents the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater campus.
After hearing from the pair of candidates, the council on July 18 voted to appoint James “Jimmy” Schulgit as the representative of the second aldermanic district. The position was vacated two months ago when James Langnes III relinquished his seat after graduating and leaving the community.
During last week’s meeting, the six sitting council members heard from Schulgit and fellow applicant Dustin “Dusty” Hartl. Both are UW-Whitewater students.
Schulgit is a junior majoring in biology and minoring in Spanish. During his presentation to the council, Schulgit singled out his near fluency in Spanish, which he said could be an attribute as Whitewater’s diversity grows.
Ultimately, Schulgit told the council he aspires to practice family medicine as a doctor and work in a rural community.
“This is a place where I could definitely see myself spending a greater amount of time (beyond graduation), or at least be in a similar setting,” Schulgit said.
Speaking to his overall philosophy toward life and learning, Schulgit said he plans to enter the council with an open mind.
“I’m a fan of the phrase, ‘A wise man knows he doesn’t know everything,’” he said.
Hartl has served as UW-Whitewater student government senator and has played other leadership roles, including a resident assistant.
“UW-Whitewater does play a role in this community,” Hartl said. “I can say I do care about the well-being of this community and everybody in it.”
During deliberations, council members were quick to point out the decision was difficult, but they tipped their appointment toward Schulgit, while noting Hartl was a strong candidate as well.
“I hate this job because it’s not our job,” council member Stephanie Goettl said. “Ultimately, none of us lives in the second district. I don’t think anyone … should envy the decision we have to make.”