By Ryan Spoehr
Staff Writer
After a slight increase in burglaries during the holidays, the Whitewater Police Department (WPD) is reminding people to be diligent in protecting their belongings.
The WPD released a statement on its Facebook page on Dec. 28 at 9:03 p.m. letting people know of the recent burglaries.
“The Whitewater Police Department has taken several burglary complaints in the last few days,” the statement said. “Please remember to lock all doors and close all window blinds if you are not home. It may also be a good idea to store away electronic devices and gaming systems if you are going to be away from your residence for a long period of time.”
Whitewater police say the increase does not indicate a need for widespread concern throughout the city. WPD Captain Dan Meyer said the approximate number of burglaries in the days leading in to, and after Christmas was less than 10. However, officers are still encouraging people to protect themselves.
“It’s definitely more than normal,” Meyer said. “There has been an increase in the past few days, and it’s probably certain areas getting hit multiple times.”
“The big thing I’d like people to know is lock everything when you leave (home) and maybe even when you are home,” Meyer said. “Definitely lock cars and keep valuables out of sight.”
Meyer said it is a good idea to not leave loose change visible in cars. He even suggested doing away with some actions that people may not even think might leave them vulnerable.
“I know people keep cars running when it’s cold like this, but it’s good to not keep the keys in the car,” Meyer said.
In the age of social media and sites and apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat, Meyer said he recognizes the desire to use those, but there are downsides to using them, particularly during getaways and vacation time.
“It is important that when people are leaving home, don’t advertise on social media that you will be gone for an extended period of time. Get someone to pick up newspapers and get someone to shovel snow. Also, try to resist the temptation to post pictures at a vacation spot while you are away,” Meyer said.
Meyer said citizens should be comfortable with reporting anything that may be out of the ordinary.
“If anything looks odd or if anything looks out of place, just call us,” Meyer said.
To make a report, call the department at 262-473-0555.