Family, friends, life lessons all part of FFA

Courtney Frie, a member of the Whitewater FFA walks her steer, Marcus in the family’s barn Monday night after returning home following school and her part-time job at Winchester True Value Hardware in Whitewater. (Heather Ruenz photos)
Courtney Frie, a member of the Whitewater FFA walks her steer, Marcus in the family’s barn Monday night after returning home following school and her part-time job at Winchester True Value Hardware in Whitewater. (Heather Ruenz photos)

1 Courtney 3By Heather Ruenz


Courtney Frie, the vice president of student development with the Whitewater FFA, said the past four years of being involved with the FFA have been great, from the support of her family to the lifelong friends she’s gained as well as memories she’ll long cherish.

“Personally, I have gained so many memories, from going to the leadership conference in Washington, D.C. to the National Convention but I’ve also gained life lessons, too,” Frie said.

Frie became involved with the FFA when she began going to meetings with her brother and said she has been an active member since that time.

“I am currently the vice president of student development, last year I was the vice president of chapter development and my sophomore year I was Sentinel,” Frie said.

The support of her family and the time they’ve been willing to give has been vital to her being an active member, she said.

“My family has always been supportive of my involvement. When I was younger and didn’t know how to drive my parents would take me all over to FFA events and cattle shows, even when it was every weekend,” Frie said. “I am very thankful for them.”

Whitewater FFA Vice President Courtney Frie shows off the goods at the annual plant sale, an event featuring petunias, impatiens, spikes, vinca vines, pansies, geraniums and more.
Frie shows off the goods at the Whitewater FFA’s annual plant sale, an event featuring petunias, impatiens, spikes, vinca vines, pansies, geraniums and more.

Frie’s current FFA project revolves around one she has been involved in for the past 10 years – showing beef cattle.

“My family has been in the cattle industry for a very, very long time now. My current project consists of one shorthorn steer and one shorthorn heifer. I am also working on a crossbred heifer,” she said.

Frie will show the animals at several shows this year including the State Shorthorn Show, the Rock County Preview show and the Pioneer Showdown in Platteville.

“I’ll also be showing at the Jefferson County Fair where I will be selling my steer when he is market-ready,” Frie said.

She said she enjoys being involved with all of the numerous FFA projects and activities that take place but has a few favorites.

“My favorite project for the FFA would have to be either Stuff the Bus, where we, as a chapter and a community, come together for a food drive to help our local food pantry,” Frie said. “And the plant sale which on Mother’s Day weekend.”

She said she also enjoys helping out younger FFA members and takes enjoyment in seeing them grow as she has. One example Frie gave was helping a younger member increase her confidence in showing.

“I used to show at the Walworth County Fair and a younger member needed advice and help with her steers. I stepped up to the plate and helped her and now she is a great showman,” Frie said. “I am really proud of how she has grown and how well she can work with her animals.”

Frie, a senior at Whitewater High School said she plans to attend Blackhawk Technical College for Phlebotomy in the fall.

But she plans to stay in touch with those she’s met and spent the past four years with in the FFA because, as she put it, “It’s more than just a group, it’s a family.”

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