Arts Alliance’s annual meeting Tuesday

The Whitewater Art Alliance will celebrate its ninth year at an annual meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 27 at 7 p.m. at the Cultural Arts Center on 402 W. Main St. The meeting will feature music by Jeremy Reutebuch, a review of 2015, the election of board members and plans for 2016, including plans to resume the Public Arts Project.

Linda Long, president of the WAA said a lot will happen at the meeting.

“We really want to fill the seats at the CAC for this gathering. We will be sharing a report of activities and stats from 2015, be part of a presentation by Tomorrow’s Hope of our share of the fund-raising from our lamppost project, and electing Board members and officers. The 2016 public art project will be announced, and I am donating the first of the forms to someone who attends the meeting. We are really looking forward to a wonderful presentation by a young area musician, Jeremy Reutebuch,” she said.

Reutebuch began his musical journey at age 2 with the violin and then moved from the violin to the trumpet and cello, according to a press release from the WAA. “He discovered his true love, percussion, at age eight, when he met his first drum set. Jeremy is celebrating his sixth year of studies with Professor Tobie Wilkinson from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and spends much of his free time composing.”

Reutebuch was selected for the John Downey Creation Project, which has continued to feed his composition interests. He traveled to Europe (Vienna and Budapest) this summer with Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra’s Senior Symphony and has been selected again to compose for the Downey Creation Project.

Now 16, Reutebuch composed the piece “Mountain Winds,” last February at age 15, inspired by the chilling yet beautiful starry nights in the Rocky Mountains. The initial idea for the piece came to Jeremy while backpacking in Colorado with his father. It uses pure orchestral sounds to paint for the listener a picture of the shooting stars in the freezing night breeze. To hear the song go to and search “Jeremy Reutebuch Mountain Winds.”

Long said the meeting is also an opportunity for members and others to share ideas or concerns they may have. “And of course, there will be some treats, so don’t eat dessert before you come,” Long said.

Anyone interested in serving on the board or as an officer should plan to attend the meeting. Nominations will be accepted from the floor. The arts alliance also has Birge Fountain t-shirts available for sale for $10 at the Cultural Arts Center.

For more information visit or Whitewater Arts Alliance on Facebook.

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