Art by students from ages 4 to 18 will be featured in the May exhibit at the Whitewater Arts Alliance’s Cultural Arts Center. The show opens on Friday, May 1 and runs through Sunday, May 24 and will be accessible Thursdays through Sundays from noon to 5 p.m. during those dates. A reception for the students will be Sunday, May 3 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. and will feature the LINCS World Drumming Ensemble at 2 p.m. The show and reception are free and open to the public.
The exhibit will include a variety of two- and three-dimensional artwork by students from area schools. The art teachers displaying their students’ art are: Joan Schlough of LINCS Inquiry Charter School; Sara Brautigam of Lakeview Elementary School; Mareta Hale of Washington Elementary School; Stacy Johnson of the Whitewater Middle School; and Debbie Brigham-Schmuhl of the Whitewater High School. In addition, Head Start students will share their art.
“We are so excited to have the Whitewater students exhibit their talents in our gallery again,” WAA volunteer Linda Long said. “It is so fun to see the progress from those first projects in elementary school and the later work in middle and high school. The other aspect that we love about this show is that it often brings visitors to the CAC who have not visited with us before.”
Whitewater’s Cultural Arts Center, 402 W. Main St. is in the historic White building near the Birge Fountain. Parking is behind the building, with an elevator available from the parking lot entrance. Parking is also available on side streets.