By Clare Carlson
Learn about the health of waters in the Rock River Basin and ongoing water quality improvement projects at the Rock River Recovery meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 17, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the UW-Whitewater campus. The Rock River Basin covers 3,750 square miles in south-central Wisconsin, encompassing the Rock River, its lakes and its many river, stream and marsh tributaries.
This annual water quality meeting is open to the public and sponsored by the Rock River Coalition, University of Wisconsin-Extension and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. The day will feature numerous speakers from both public and private organizations.
Meeting participants will have an opportunity to attend sessions addressing Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) project updates, urban storm water runoff, water quality trading options and educational outreach activities occurring within Rock River Basin communities. The TMDL Report identified the reductions of sediment and phosphorus needed to achieve water quality goals.
“For twenty years the Rock River Coalition has worked in partnership with private and public entities to improve water quality in the basin. The Rock River Recovery effort is the most rigorous effort thus far and we are proud to be part of it,” Suzanne Wade, Rock River Coalition board member said.
“Our goal is to ensure that every citizen understands their ability to make our waters better for themselves and their children. I am pleased to be part of the education and outreach part of this effort and will be sharing the work of the Rock River Coalition during the meeting,” she added.
The Rock River Coalition is a non-profit organization based in the region that works to improve water quality through comprehensive stream monitoring, community outreach and cooperative water restoration initiatives.
Participants will also have an opportunity to work in small groups with experts during the day, including a discussion about ways to collaboratively address challenges associated with TMDL efforts.
To register and view a meeting schedule, visit the Rock River Coalition web site at or the Rock River Recovery web site at
Clare Carlson is the media release writer for the Rock River Coalition. She can be contacted via email at [email protected].