Anniversary of Rev. Olm’s ordination slated Aug. 24
The 65th Anniversary of the Ordination of the Rev. Dr. Carroll J. Olm as a minister of the United Church of Christ will be acknowledged at a worship service on Sunday, Aug. 24, at 10 a.m. at the Congregational United Church of Christ, 133 S. Franklin St. in Whitewater.
Pastor Olm will preach a sermon titled: “If I had a thousand lives to live” focusing on the Call of Ministry. The Rev. Phil Milam, pastor, will conduct the liturgy.
Pastor Olm was ordained on Aug. 7 1949, at Community United Church of Christ in Elkhart Lake. He served in the following parishes: Trinity UCC, Mulberry, IN; Calvary Memorial UCC, Wauwatosa; Providence UCC, Racine, and; St. Paul’s UCC, Sheboygan.
In 1960, Pastor Olm accepted the call to become the Founding Director of the Wisconsin Conference UCC Fairhaven Retirement Services in Whitewater where he served for 29 years.
Since his retirement in 1990 he has supplied church pulpits and participated in Whitewater community activities including serving on six city boards and commissions and as a member at large of the City Council. Currently he serves on the Whitewater Community Foundation Board and is in his 36th year as a member of the First Citizens State Bank Board of Directors.
A period of fellowship and sociability featuring ice cream sundaes will be held immediately after the service. All members of the community are invited to attend the celebration of ministry.