East Gateway project detour route explained
Whitewater’s East Gateway project, scheduled for completion in mid-September but preventing use of a portion of Main Street is in full construction mode.
A detour route has been established, directing vehicles to Starin Road – which runs parallel to Main Street where the project is located – by way of Newcomb and Fremont streets.
In an effort to help local residents get from the east end of the city to the west, or vice versa, Whitewater’s Streets, Parks and Forestry Superintendent Chuck Nass offered a detailed explanation of the established detour route.
From the east
From the east side of Whitewater the detour starts at the intersection of Milwaukee and Newcomb streets with traffic going north on Newcomb to Starin Road, left (west) on Starin Road (west) to Fremont Street, left (south) on Fremont Street to Main Street and then right (west) on Main Street which will put the detoured vehicle back on the Business 12 route.
From the west
For those traveling from the west, the detour starts at the intersection of Main and Fremont streets with traffic being detoured left (north) onto Fremont Street to Starin Road, right (east) on Starin Road to Newcomb Street, right (south) on Newcomb Street to Milwaukee Street, left (east) on Milwaukee Street which will put the detoured vehicle back on Business 12/Highway 59.
“We do have signage for all businesses on the detour route and directions on how to get to them,” Nass said.
Nass also said traffic cannot gain thru access by traveling down East Main Street as that’s also blocked off at the start of the East Gateway Project area.