Police make arrests; remind community to protect property

In the month of April, the Whitewater Police Department responded to numerous complaints of thefts from vehicles around the city.

After investigations by officers and detectives, and with cooperation from area agencies, multiple arrests have been made for burglary, theft, and drug possession in reference to these incidences. Though the arrested have the right to a lawyer in connection to the theft crimes, it is to be seen what steps are taken by the police department and the legal system of the county.

Officers noted in every complaint the vehicles entered were unlocked. Citizens are reminded the majority of property crimes, including the incidences in April, are committed primarily due to opportunity. Keeping car doors locked, windows shut, garages secured, and property out of plain view are ways the community can help the police department significantly reduce crime.

Following the press release on April 16, 2014, Cody R. Davis of Whitewater was located and confined in jail on a probation hold. Multiple felony and misdemeanor charges have been referred to the Walworth County District Attorney’s Office involving theft and drug possession.

With assistance from the Palmyra Police Department, Eagle Police Department, Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department, and the Wisconsin Department of Corrections, officers have also arrested Brandon F. Evans, Alexander C. Beaver, and Lupe T. Medina for probation holds following incidences on April 25, 2014. Multiple felony and misdemeanor charges have been referred to the Walworth County District Attorney’s Office involving burglary and theft on each subject. Additional charges may be referred in other counties.

Citizens are urged to secure their vehicles, garages, and other property as weather becomes warmer.

For more information on protecting your property, visit the Whitewater Police Department website at www.whitewater-wi.gov/ departments/police.

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