The 38th Annual Whitewater Lions Club Fish-a-ree kicked off at 6:30 a.m. Feb. 9 with breakfast being served to more than 400 people by the Whitewater Lioness with some help in the kitchen by members of the Lions Club.
The weather, according to Fish-a-ree Chairman Lenny Plucinski “was perfect, as was the ice. Trucks, cars, ATVs and snowmobiles ventured out early and little cities with tents, fishing huts and vehicles dotted the lake.”
Once people were done starting their day off right – and as anglers came off of the lake – more than 100 bucket raffle prizes were available including: fishing equipment, liquor, wine, crafts, auto items, and assorted merchandise and gift certificates. Those items were complimented with a few feature items including: an autographed Green Bay Packer football, a foursome of golf at Grand Geneva and a power generator from Generac of Whitewater.
The fish weigh-in began at 8 a.m. with numerous fish being brought in during the 8-hour event with hopes of winning an hourly prize for largest northern, bass, perch, crappie or blue gill. Hourly winners were displayed on boards in front of the clubhouse with prizes worth $10 to $25 each.
At the end of the day, grand prizes were awarded in each of the fish categories. Grand prize winners included: northern, 33-1/8 inch, 9.0 lb. by Terry Schoenherr; black bass, 23 inch, 5.5 lb. by Steve Spangler; crappie, 8-1/4 inch, 4.14 oz. by Matthew Miller; perch, 11-3/8 inch, 11.67 oz. by Roger Kincaid, and; blue gill, 8-1/8 inch, 5.63 oz. by Tim Plucinski. Prizes awarded included fishing rods, reels, gear and lures as well as assorted merchandise packages worth $50 or more.
Whitewater Lion Steve Malone sold the winning ticket for the big cash raffle prize of $500 to Nels Madsen.
Proceeds raised at the Fish-a-ree allow the Whitewater Lions and Lioness to give back to the community and state in many ways including: the food pantry, eyeglasses for students unable to afford them, high school scholarships, vision screening tests, local fire and rescue services, Lakeland School, Wisconsin Lions Foundation and Camp, state service organizations and Lions International.
“The Whitewater Lions and Whitewater Lioness are extremely grateful for the many prize donations by local and area businesses, state and national organization, the hundreds of event participants and volunteers who assisted in any way,” Plucinski said on behalf of Julian Stinson, Whitewater Lions Club President, Carolyn Plucinski, Whitewater Lioness Club President and Lion Bob Nelson, the prize chairman.