Two local girls inspiring others to pay it forward
By Heather Ruenz
Art shows and contests are nothing new but the driving force behind the “Show us your Best Smile” art show, currently on display at Studio 84, is anything but common.
Natalie LaBreche and Morgan Radaj, 7th grade students at Whitewater Middle School and local cadette girl scouts, have been on a mission to help others and the community they live in, for a while. But this time they stepped up their efforts.
“We came up with the idea for a self-portrait art contest, smile required, to make people feel good about themselves and reusing materials,” Radaj said.
“We tried to figure out how to help two non-profits in one event,” LaBreche said.
“We thought self-portraits would help Studio 84 and because we came up with the ‘smile required’ part, we can also help kids in Haiti by sending them dental supplies,” Radaj added.
Studio 84 focuses on the strengths and abilities of each individual regardless of their challenges and helps to foster creative solutions, increasing the opportunity for artists to be successful while enhancing their self-image and self-esteem. Among others, the studio works closely with people who have special needs.
The Friends of the Children – Medical, Dental and Health Educational Missions to Haiti is a group out of Delavan that goes to Haiti two times a year. They set up a clinic for a week and provide free medical and dental treatments and also go to local schools and teach kids how to properly brush their teeth.
“Because we’re girl scouts we can’t hand over cash but can buy supplies and donate them so we’re going to buy art supplies for Studio 84 and dental supplies for kids in Haiti,” Radaj explained.
The girls are raising money a couple of ways: those who submitted an entry were asked to donate a minimum of $1, and; a silent auction is being held with each of the items featuring reused or repurposed materials.
Items up for auction include scarves made from T-shirts; bags made from men’s ties, plastic bags and a tablecloth; a pencil case made from Capri Sun juice bags, and two pieces of art donated by professional artists.
The self-portrait artwork will be on display at the Studio 84 Art Gallery, 121 W. Center St., Whitewater, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays during the month of February. The deadline to bid on silent auction items and vote for the People’s Choice award is Friday, Feb. 28 by 5 p.m.
A reception will be held at Studio 84 from 6 to 7 p.m., Friday, Feb. 28 when the winners will be announced and refreshments – including Girl Scout cookies – will be available.
Read more about Radaj and LaBreche and the ways they’re making a difference in the Feb. 20 issue of the Whitewater Register.