Wieman steps down as Christian Education Director
By Tom Ganser
On Jan. 5, Caroline Wieman was recognized for her dedicated service as the Director of Christian Education for the Whitewater Area Regional Ministry (First United Methodist Church in Whitewater, LaGrange United Methodist Church, Richmond United Methodist Church) at the 10 a.m. worship service at First United Methodist Church.
After having volunteered for almost two years, Wieman officially retired from the position at the end of 2013, the second time she has been the Director of Christian Education.
Wieman organized, implemented and coordinated after-school programs, Sunday morning ministry, Christmas programs, Vacation Bible School and worship participation. She also taught at Whitewater High School for many years.
According to Pastor Susan Bresser, “Caroline Wieman has truly modeled servant ministry. She has volunteered her time and energy to lead WARM’s children’s ministry for the last two years. Our children’s programs have grown under her leadership. Teaching is her passion and quality Christian education is important to her.”
In celebrating Wieman’s leadership and contributions upon her retirement, Bresser added, “Why make a big deal out of her retirement? Because we need to celebrate her model of faithfulness and commitment. Caroline helped put us on a path for the future: bringing in more technology, use of quality United Methodist curriculum, encouraging children to bring friends. She truly was a good and faithful servant.”
Katy Katzman commented that her three children “My kids really admire Caroline and enjoyed working with her, especially as they prepared for the Christmas program. She inspired my boys to get more involved in church activities and for that I am most grateful.”
“We’ve been more than pleased with the children’s programming at First [United Methodist] Church,” said Shannon Frye. “All three of my children loved attending Promise Point and Vacation Bible School as well as going to Sunday School under Caroline’s guidance and love.”
Heidi Cook has been selected to follow Wieman as WARM Director of Christian Education.
“I am looking forward to creating a sense of energy and community in children’s experience at church where praise and prayer become natural expressions of gratitude for the hope that we have in Christ, and to give families tools to disciple their children and lead them through the wonderful process of Spirit-led spiritual growth,” Cook said.