The Drama Club at Williams Bay High School will present “Lead Rings on the Merry-Go-Round” this weekend with in-person and streaming options.
The presentation premieres 7 p.m. Friday, March 12 with two more shows scheduled for 7 p.m. Saturday, March 13 and a matinee at 3 p.m. Sunday, March 14.
According to district officials, guests need to purchase tickets ahead of time, since they are limiting the number of in-person tickets sold.
Walk-ups, if space allows, will be permitted.
Cost is $5 for an in-person ticket while the live-streaming option is $10.
People can purchase tickets by visiting the Williams Bay High School Drama Club website at williamsbayschools.revtrak.net/drama-club/#/list.
Murder mystery
“Lead Rings on the Merry-Go-Round,” a live action radio play, was originally produced by the Fresno State Playwrights Theatre in 1995.
The live action play, meanwhile, follows a murder mystery plaguing San Francisco.
“Who is responsible for the grisly murders plaguing San Francisco?” the synopsis asks.
“Nobody knows except Lancelot T. Terrierre, the host of radio’s most exciting adventure show, “The Hummer.”
Lancelot, played by student Aidan Sternberg at Williams Bay High School, reveals that he not only knows who the murderer is, he has locked himself and his crew into the studio with the culprit and plans to expose the murderer to the public live on the air.
As the radio show begins, strange things begin to happen, the synopsis states.
The synopsis further states the show – and murder mystery – continues to unfold an air and leads to many more questions for the police as well as listeners of the radio show.
“Nobody will know who the real Lead Rings Murderer is until the very end; only then will you see the ingenious method the murderer has used to silence the radio cast,” the synopsis states.
Matt Dunlap, Visual Arts Teacher, said Williams Bay High School typically holds an annual Drama Club production earlier.
But because of COVID-19, officials decided to wait longer, adding safety is paramount.
“This year’s production started more than a month later than normal due to COVID,” he said. “Once we determined we could produce a show and do it in a manner we felt was safe, we hit the ground running.”
Students guiding this year production include Nettie Sellheim, Director; Hannah Frazier, Assistant Director; Kory Wilson, Technical Director; and James Back, Stage Manager.
Other cast members include Graham Oxley (Elsinore), Parker Johnston (Clark DiMaggio), Anna Rolfs (Clarence Rareshot/Foley Artist), Jesse Robison (Pete/Foley Artist), Samantha Thompson (Repete/Foley Artist), Katie Monroe (Milo Michelle/Mattox), Kylie Monroe (Mick Musso/Snake Eyes/11th victim and Doc), Lauren Peck (Organa Creole/Loretta and Nurse), Chloe Schlesner (Virginia Floydoy/Rosie and Woman), Ari Fry (Xavier Bushman), Citalali Carbajal (Java Girl), Sophia Lauten (Eliza/Bar Girl and Elvira), Bradly Galvin (Jack/Park-a-Pony Pete, Benny and Fats) as well as Kory Wilson (network voice).