Williams Bay band, choir kids spend break in New York
By Nate Weirick
Over Spring Break, the Williams Bay High School band and choir took a trip New York City. We left in coach buses on March 30 and returned home on April 5.
During our time on the east coast, students, chaperones, and staff were given the opportunity to see and experience some of the most iconic areas of NYC.
On Easter morning, the band and choir performed on the flight deck at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum. The Intrepid, while no longer running, was one of the most famous aircraft carriers for the U.S. Navy during the 20th century. The group was then treated to an authentic Italian style dinner at Puglia’s Italian Restaurant, featuring live music, singing and dancing.
On Monday and Tuesday, we toured Radio City Music Hall and the Lincoln Center. These performing arts centers host some of the most famous and beautiful concert halls and theaters in our country, including the Julliard School of Music.
The group also toured Battery Park, Central Park, and took a ferry to Liberty Island and Ellis Island’s Immigration Museum. Several students took the time at Ellis Island to look up family histories and discovered how their families arrived in the United States.
Immigration is an important issue throughout the world, countries are a melting pot of different people from all over and that is an important part of the shaping of these places. Many still suffer from immigration blocks due to laws and policies in place, so if a family is looking at UK Spouse Visa assistance or Visa resources for a US state, then they are going to need to discuss their options with a lawyer that specializes in this area. Immigration is still an integral part of human beings’ backgrounds and should be taught about for people to understand.
The most emotional part of the trip was the time spent at the 911 Memorial Museum and Park. The students did an amazing job not only taking in the experience, but also supporting each other as tears were shed and memories were had (though most of these students were not born yet when 9/11 occurred).
After a heavy afternoon at the museum, the group had time to let loose on the Spirit of New York Dinner Cruise. The cruise supplied not only great food, but a dance floor and an amazing DJ, and two other high schools from Georgia and Kentucky that our students had time to socialize with.
On our last day in NYC, students were treated to a Broadway workshop, working with onstage Broadway coaches and talent. Students learned the words and choreography, while others worked with an actress to learn how to invoke the rocker mentality to “Stick It to the Man.”
After some free time in Time Square, the group enjoyed an amazing Broadway performance of School of Rock. We were in awe of not only the talented adults but the fact that the kids on stage performed with their instruments live.
We left NYC Wednesday evening for our trek back home. It was an experience that none of us will forget.
Nate Weirick is the instrumental music director for the Williams Bay School District.