An open-house reception will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. April 20 for a high school student art exhibition that will run from April 19 to 22 at Gallery 223, 223 Broad St., Lake Geneva.
The Geneva Lake Arts Foundation hosts the exhibit, which features artwork by students from Badger, Big Foot, Delavan-Darien, East Troy, Elkhorn, Whitewater and Williams Bay high schools. Light refreshments will be served at the reception, and an awards presentation will take place at 7 p.m.
This year awards include:
- The annual gift of $500 for outstanding work from the Louis Mergener family, presented by Tracey Mergener;
- The Best in Show Award of $750 from the Neil and Dotsy Heffernan Foundation, presented by the Lake Geneva Rotary representative, the Rev. Heather Brewer;
- The Geneva Lake Arts Foundation Award for Young Emerging Artists for $500 and five recognition awards of $100 each, all presented by Nikki Marsicano;
- Two awards of $500 each, presented by Carol Smith, past president of the Geneva Lake Arts Foundation, for the Martin Smith Memorial Awards for Creative Work.
In addition, The Walworth County Arts Council $1,000 scholarship winner’s artwork will be on display.
The judge for the 2018 student show will be Thomas Trausch. Trausch is a national and regional award winning artist who has more than 1,500 original paintings in private, corporate and public collections including the Parker Pen Co., the Elmhurst Fine Arts Museum, Smith Barney, Morgan Stanley, Burlington Northern Railroad, Oprah Winfrey and the Northern Trust Bank. He teaches weekly art classes in Lake Geneva and Woodstock, Ill.
The student exhibit is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 19 to 22 at Gallery 223.
Individuals or organizations interested in sponsoring an award next year may contact the foundation at 262-249-7988.