On Feb 3, more than 30 Big Foot High School’s Future Business Leaders of America members competed at the Regional Leadership Conference in Columbus.
The students that competed chose their event from a list of 65 options. Depending on the specific event, some students took an objective test, some students prepared a presentation, some students created a resume and cover letter and were interviewed, and some students created a project and gave a presentation at the competition.
At the regional competition, there were students from 26 other schools, but only the top three competitors from each event qualified for the state competition to be held in La Crosse April 9 and 10.
The following local students are FBLA State qualifiers.
Regional champions: Josh Navin in Cyber Security; Molly McEneany in Future Business Leader; Carla Zuniga in Web Site Design;
Second place: Alyssa Block in Computer Applications; Alex Laing in Economics; Gabrielle Karabas and Greer Lettenberger in Intro to Business Presentations; Jenna Fort in Job Interview; Abbi Asta and Colton Oldenburg in Public Service Announcement; Riley Davis in Spreadsheet Applications;
Third place: Bo Freytag and Jack Heidenreich in Entrepreneurship.
Other state qualifiers: Hunter Sharpe in Mobile App Development; Christian Karabas and Eli Hibl in 3D Animation.
Depending on the event, some students were able to submit their project or take the test prior to the regional competition.