Administrator pleased with consortium of feeder schools’ readiness
By Todd Mishler
Copy editor
Students from all five Big Foot Union High School District members met or exceeded expectations on their 2016-17 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction report cards.
Walworth Elementary finished with a 78.5 overall accountability score and Fontana Elementary posted a 79.6, both exceeding the state’s guidelines, which means they scored between 73 and 82.9.
Sharon Community and Big Foot Union High School met expectations with scores of 72.9 and 66.6, respectively.
Meanwhile, Reek Elementary significantly exceeded expectations with a 91.6 accountability score — the range goes from 83 to 100.
Big Foot Union High School District Administrator Doug Parker said his biggest concern is that the district continues to make progress regardless of how the numbers shake out.
To read more about how district schools did, including comments from Parker, pick up a copy of the Jan. 5 Times or Reporter.