Yerkes Observatory will host a public observing night, called a star party, on its lawn from 7 to 9 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 2.
Throughout the year, Yerkes holds public observing events to allow people to enjoy constellations, observe celestial objects through lawn telescopes and learn through hands-on astronomy activities. These star parties are held regardless of weather.
At the upcoming event, visitors will learn about solstices, equinoxes, and the celestial sphere, as well as taking in the sights of Yerkes’ dark sky.
Adults must accompany children and pets are not allowed.
The fee for this event (cash at the door) is $5 per person for those 7 and older (children 6 and younger can attend for free). Space is limited and preregistration is requested.
To register visit yerkesoutreach.org and select Star Parties near the top of the home page. On the following page, the Dec. 2 event is listed with a link to “more information and registration” can be found. For more information call 262-245-5555.
Yerkes Observatory is at 373 W. Geneva St., Williams Bay.