The Walworth County Arts Council had its quarterly meeting at 841 Brewhouse in Whitewater on March 28.
Guest speakers for the luncheon meeting were three Walworth County authors – Al Gruling from East Troy, Trudy Schubert from Walworth and Frank Landi from Delavan. Each author shared his or her background and then told the group about the books each has written.
While growing up, Gruling attended a one-room school and his interest grew and resulted in his book in cooperation with the East Troy Area Historical Society, “Good Ol’ Fashioned School Days.” Gruling told the group that the first schools were held in private homes, teachers’ pay was $10 a month in 1836 and responsibilities of teachers included building a fire for warmth, passing out iodine pills and the promise to not get married. All proceeds from Gruling’s book go to the East Troy Historical Society.
Schubert has written 10 children’s booklets. When she opened a preschool, she realized children needed to receive important life lessons when reading. Schubert showed one of her books, “CPR, Caring, Protection and Respect.” Schubert weaves topics such as acceptance, bullying and cooperation into her stories. Proceeds from her books go to VIP Services of Elkhorn.
Landi retired from teaching mathematics and decided to put his geometry skills to work and look more deeply into architecture. Landi’s first work was a collection of five books, “Frank Lloyd Wright on Delavan Lake.” In the series, Landi describes the architecture of the five cottages on Delavan Lake that were designed by Wright. In addition, Landi has written about old homes in Delavan and is working on a book about Spring Grove Cemetery and the historical district of Whitewater. Proceeds from Landi’s books go to The Historical Society of Delavan.
For more information about the Walworth County Arts Council, contact Joyce Atkinson at (262) 728-3880 or [email protected].