‘Creatures of Winter: Sacred Season’ on display through March 17
The artwork of William (Bill) Bishop, of Williams Bay, is headlining a winter exhibition, “Creatures of Winter: Sacred Season” at Michael Fields Agricultural Institute Gallery.
Bishop’s work will be on exhibit through Friday, March 17 in the “big, brown barn” at Michael Fields. The exhibit is being sponsored by Good Earth Church of the Divine.
Bishop, a native of Rockford, Ill., and graduate of Rockford East High School, earned his degree in illustration and design from Milton College, once the oldest continually operating college in Wisconsin with a strong reputation in the arts.
He worked in manufacturing for about 15 years, the latter part as a product designer of cabinet and bath fixtures, according to a press release about the exhibit. As time progressed, Bishop became involved in publication work for newspapers and magazines.
“Developing techniques and styles as a client illustrator was great training for me in creating varied styles in my own work. My talent is a gift from God, and if I can share that with others, that gift has been well used,” Bishop said.
He now devotes time to his artwork from his home in Williams Bay.
The works of Bishop are part of a series of quarterly art exhibitions featured at Michael Fields Agricultural Institute and hosted by the Good Earth Church of the Divine, an Interfaith community.
“Following the Winter Solstice 2016, Good Earth Church honors the seasonal change, and celebrates the healing effect of art upon the human spirit with forms straight from the earth,” the release further stated.
Part of the Good Earth mission is to recognize the healing effects of the arts upon the human spirit, even as it draws attention to earth care as a moral obligation and sacred calling.
Admission to the exhibit at Michael Fields Agricultural Institute Gallery, W2493 County Road ES, East Troy, is free. The exhibition will run through Friday, March 17 and is open to the public weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and weekends by appointment.
Bishop’s work is displayed in homes and businesses throughout the Midwest. His Polo Club garment designs were popular in Japan in the 1990s and his love of sports, super heroes and wildlife inspire many of his artistic creations.
Requests for custom art can be made through Bishop’s website at Worksofworth.com.
Sales of art from Sacred Season art exhibitions go to the artist on display.