Donations from various local businesses help to provide new mat for Walworth Safety Town
By Kellen Olshefski
Donations from various local businesses this year allowed Walworth Safety Town to improve upon its program this year through the purchase of eight Kettcars and a new mat to protect the school’s floor.
Businesses donated about $3,800, enough to cover the cost of the $2,864 mat to protect the school’s newly resurfaced gym floor and purchase seven cars, with a donation from Kelly Freeman covering the cost of the eighth car.
Walworth’s Safety Town was started in August 1995 after donations funded the initial start up cost to simulate Walworth. According to a press release from Safety Town Teacher and Coordinator Cathy Boldger, about 700 children have benefited from the weeklong program over the past 20 years.
During the weeklong program, students in kindergarten through second grade learn numerous safety tips from various officials around the area, such as Lt. Andy Long of the Walworth Police Department.
The program covers various safety tips such as seatbelt, water and toy safety, crossing the street, traffic lights and parked cars, poison and animal safety, and bicycle safety. At the end of the program, a graduation ceremony is held for students.