A howling good time

 Tucker Milligan, middleweight division (from left), Pedro Sierra and Charlie Chalcoff, both heavyweight division, were among the Big Foot Wolves that were having fun playing on the wooden train playground equipment at Toynton Park during the Big Foot Wolves Pig Roast Fundraiser held last Saturday.


Lily Arntz was in the spirit of the day when she saw other babies at the Big Foot Wolves fundraiser.  All ages enjoyed the fifteenth annual pig roast fundraiser for the Big Foot Wolves Junior Tackle Football.  This year they served about 800 people, more than last year.  

The items paid for by the event include: helmets, pads, uniforms, insurance and referees defraying the cost so most people would be able to afford this program for their son and/or daughter. There are about 100 children involved in this, counting all three divisions of players and the cheerleaders on all three teams.

Photos by Penny Gruetzmacher

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