GriefShare program helps those dealing with loss

Linn Church to host the program beginning Feb. 4

Are you grieving the loss of a loved one’s death? Whether the loss is recent, or happened some time ago, GriefShare is a free national program with local chapters, focused on an individual loss and healing.

As a local chapter, Linn Presbyterian Church resumes the program of healing and hope for the New Year.

GriefShare sessions will be held at the church on Tuesday evenings, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Feb. 4 to May 5. Attendees can come any or all dates and the program is open to people from any community.

The church is located at W3335 Willow Road, on Lake Geneva’s South Shore.

Each local GriefShare leadership team consists of specially-trained volunteers who embrace a heartfelt mission to help individuals experiencing the grief of human loss. Most have experienced significant loss in their own lives and are themselves examples of how health and restoration can follow as an outgrowth of grief.

Michelle Moore of Lake Geneva, who is a leader with the Linn Church chapter, began her participation as grief-challenged participant herself.

“I was so impressed with how the program helped me, that I felt moved to become trained as a leader so I could help others in their own rebuilding. I’ve seen firsthand what a valuable and needed community resource GriefShare really is,” Moore said.

Moore noted the program has three components: video seminars with top experts on grief and recovery; support group discussion with focus; and personal study and reflection. Each session is self-contained – so if a person misses a session or starts after the first session, the program remains of benefit to all.

To register for this free community program, contact [email protected] or call Linn Church at 262-248-1588.

For more details about the program, visit


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