Discover Wisconsin, the state’s leading media brand and tourism TV show, shined the spotlight on Lake Geneva’s Shore Path in a recent episode. “Lake Geneva – Along the Beaten Path” aired over the weekend.
The episode is also available on Roku, Amazon Fire, Chromecast, Smart TV, Apple TV, and for online streaming at discoverwisconsin.com.
The show kicks off along the Lake Geneva Shore Path, where host Mariah Haberman walks with local historian, Jim Beloian, and learns about the path’s beginnings. Later, the Discover Wisconsin crew heads to the Geneva Lake Museum for more information on the area’s history, including the retreat of the last glacier, Native American heritage, and The World’s Fair of 1893.
Haberman continues her walk along the shore path by taking in the city’s historic lakeside mansions, including Black Point Estate and Gardens, a Wisconsin Historic Site. The segment wraps up at Baker House 1885 for the sunset toast. The episode continues on Geneva Lake, where Haberman takes to the water for some flyboarding, the Lake Geneva Cruise Line, and ice boating. Lake Geneva makes for a perfect day out for those who love spending time on the water. The availability of a Lake Geneva Boat Rental like Jerry’s Majestic Marine, and probably many more, makes it all the more easier for families or a group of friends to rent out a pontoon or a wave runner and have a merry day.
The Discover Wisconsin crew features the downtown areas of Lake Geneva, Williams Bay, and Fontana, highlighting the unique shops, restaurants, and accommodations. Haberman closes out the episode with stops at Gordy’s Marine and Chuck’s Lakeshore Inn, two iconic lakeside spots.
“The Lake Geneva area has a fascinating history. I love that the shore path fuses history and fun all in one – I learned so much filming the episode!” Haberman said. “We’re thrilled to name Lake Geneva an official Discover Wisconsin Choice Destination!”
To learn more, visit discoverwisconsin.com.
The shoreline “Indian Path” has been a delight to my family since childhood. Back in the 60’s i even rode a dirtbike around it!