On Oct. 13, Dare 2 Share LIVE will be broadcast at Trinity Church in Pell Lake from the flagship event in Denver, Colo., and streamed to more than 95 satellite sites nationwide.
Each individual site will feature its own live worship band and emcee trainer along with the direct feed of prominent speakers and artists such as Greg Stier, The Skit Guys, The Silhouettes, Flame, Shane and Shane and Zane Black.
“We were very excited to see how well this live, simulcast event worked with students and youth leaders across the country last year,” said Greg Stier, founder and chief executive officer of Dare 2 Share. “We put a lot of effort into making sure each satellite site had live training and worship components in order to increase the feeling of everyone being a part of the event. And from what we heard, it succeeded.” Over the past 27 years, Dare 2 Share has inspired and equipped more than 1 million Christian teenagers and youth leaders to engage in spiritual conversations through conferences, training curriculum and resources. In this one-day event, Dare 2 Share LIVE is seeking to engage more than 20,000 students and youth leaders to initiate up to 60,000 gospel conversations in one day. All teenagers and youth leaders are welcome to join Trinity for the event.
Registration and tickets can be purchased at store.dare2share.org by clicking on “LIVE tickets” under the “products” pull-down menu and scrolling to the Wisconsin event.
More information can be found on Trinity’s Facebook page and website at www.trinityfamilychurch.com or by calling Michelle McClanahan at Trinity church 262-279-3052.