The Lake Geneva Christian Women’s Connection will have a guest night dinner and program from 6 to 8 p.m. July 11 at The Red Geranium Restaurant, 393 N. Edwards Boulevard, Lake Geneva.
Wayne Rolfs, Professional Golfers Association golf pro, will present “Humor and Hope in Golf and Life” and talk about lessons he’s given and lessons he’s learned.
Judith Rolfs, area author and marriage counselor, will present “Enhancing Emotional Closeness in Important Relationships.”
Reservations and information available are available by calling 262-245-6659, texting 630-209-0393 or emailing [email protected].
The cost of the event is $21.50, is due a week before the program and can be paid to LGA-CWC in care of Pat Embling, 859 Sweetbriar Dr. Elkhorn, WI 53121.