The M-60 tank may be moved to Veterans Park
By Kellen Olshefski
American Legion Post 45 if Elkhorn is looking to rehome an M-60 tank as a display piece and memorial in Veterans Park.
According to American Legion Post 45 Commander Mark Gajewski, the tank is on display outside of the Whitewater American Legion post currently. However, Gajewski said the Whitewater Post is selling its building and the M-60 tank cannot sit on private property.
Gajewski said the tank has to remain within the service organizations, and is being offered up to other American Legion posts with Elkhorn being the first to have expressed interest.
“We’re looking at that, just as they did up in Whitewater, to use as a memorial to all of our veterans,” Gajewski said. “And we couldn’t think of a better place to put it than Veterans Park.”
Gajewski said the post would like to place the Sherman tank off to the side of the war memorial in the park in an opening in the trees, meaning no trees would need to be removed.
“We’re trying to find a home for it,” he said. “We’d hate to lose it out of this county.”
Gajewski said American Legion Post 45 is handling all costs associated with moving the tank to the park and maintaining it in the future, including sandblasting and painting the tank before it goes on display and insurance.
According to Gajewski, the M-60 was the United States’ main tank used after World War II, and while it didn’t see a lot of service, the M-60 was used by the U.S. and its allies to provide peace through deterrence.
Alderman Ron Dunwiddie, retired Army and a member of the Elkhorn American Legion Post, said he had shared information about the tank’s potential move via Facebook and that of the 40 to 50 responses, all but one were positive.
“I’m all for this, and every place I’ve ever been where they have these, Legions posts, VFWs, it’s a good drawing point,” Dunwiddie said.
Ultimately, the final decision is up to Walworth County, however, members of the City of Elkhorn Common Council voted in favor of drafting a letter supporting the placement of the tank in Veterans Park.
Gajewski said there was a possibility the County would be holding a special meeting to address the topic. He said while the American Legion post isn’t necessarily on a short timeline, it would like move the tank while the ground is frozen to avoid any damage to the grass and property.