EAMS Fluid Power Teams continue winning ways
By Heather Ruenz
Staff Writer
An extra-curricular activity at Elkhorn Area Middle School has proven to be a successful venture for the fourth consecutive year. Last month, teams from EAMS competed in an engineering competition and earned a trophy.
The goal is to have four teams of four students and it involves a big time commitment according to Kelsey Erickson, who, along with Ms. Frankenberg, serve as advisors for the program.
“It’s a month long and we meet four nights a week for two hours. We cover everything from orthographics to metric drawings and map out who is going to do what,” said Erickson, who teaches 8th grade science at EAMS.
Basically, each team builds a project following guidelines determined for the National Fluid Power Association challenge, which partners with the Milwaukee School of Engineering. The student teams create their design, document the process and make sure it works.
“Then, at the competition, they do it all over again following their notes, but with people watching,” Erickson said.
Read the rest of the story, including comments from a few of the kids involved and more about how the competition works, and see more photos, in the Dec. 12 Independent.