By Heather Ruenz
Staff Writer
After all the tabs were paid, the Friends of Matheson Memorial Library raised $5,000 from Trick-or-Trivia night fundraiser to fund next year’s Adult and Children’s programming at the Elkhorn library. Additional funds will be used to upgrade the facility.
The 7th Trick-or-Trivia event drew the largest crowd ever – 219 players and 22 volunteers.
“We sold out a month before the event this year,” said Katie James, who co-chaired the event Shelly Robinson. Many players and volunteers dressed in costumes, with James as Carmen Miranda and Robinson as a 80s rocker chick.
Bob Kordus (the Riddler) of “America’s Pub Quiz” returned as the trivia guru extraordinaire, James said.
The best costume winners were: Pete and Julianne Hogan from Aurora, Ill., for their costumes as a trash can and sanitation worker.
“They were part of a returning team called “Panther Pride,” which is a group of Eastern Illinois University friends and alumni,” James said.
The 1st place team in the trivia contest were the “Dead Ringers,” a new team from McHenry, Ill.
Read the full event recap in the Nov. 14 Elkhorn Independent.
For more information about Trick-or-Trivia visit trickortrivia.com.