Trivia contest to support families

Christmas for the Kids, a program through St. John in the Wilderness Episcopal Church, has been providing year round support and Christmas gifts to families receiving services from the county’s Health and Human Services Department since 2008.

Last year the program served about 150 people and as a way to raise additional money, a trivia night will be held Wednesday, Sept. 25 at Monte Carlo Room, 720 N. Wisconsin St. in Elkhorn. The entry fee is $20 a person (six person teams). The doors open at 6 p.m., the pizza buffet is 6 to 7 p.m. and the main event – presented by BeLor Trivia – will be from 7 to 9 p.m. There will also be a cash bar and basket raffle.

Registration requested by contacting Mary Koss at 262-215-4320 or [email protected]. Non-perishable food items to be used in food boxes for Christmas families are welcome. Organizers also will accept sponsors and basket or raffle donations.

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