Annual United Way 5K raises more than $10,000
The United Way 5K welcomed 99 participants that ran or walked, ranging in age from 3 to 77. When all was said and done the annual event raised more than $10,000.
The overall first place winner was Mark Elworthy, who finished with a time of 17:18:20. Elworthy is the superintendent of the Whitewater Unified School District.
Dan Nordsieck, executive director for United Way of Walworth County, said many volunteers stepped forward to help at the event and in the days preceding it.
“There were over 30 volunteers during Race Week performing a variety of helpful tasks. Badger-land Council Girl Scouts served water at our 1- and 2-mile water stations along the race route,” Nordsieck said.
Patti O’Brien of the Volunteer Connection, Brian Broga and Mike Gasser served as race marshals and safety coordinators.
David McConnell, Dennis and Terri Carnes supported the kids 1 Mile Fun Run.
Others that helped include Commander Mark Gajewski and his color guard from American Legion Post 45 who presented the colors; Jon Anzalone of Elkhorn Area High School and Larry Gaffney of the Walworth County Fairgrounds for allowing the event to take place on their grounds.
A+ PowerSports donated the use of ATVs while Frank’s and Stinebrink’s Piggly Wiggly stores donated water and bananas.
“We also had over 24 corporate sponsors, including Mercy Health, Thrivent Financial, Wausau Homes of Elkhorn, Stebnitz Builders, FORM Financial, The Grand Geneva, Town Bank, Kunes Country, and the Lake Lawn Spa & Resort,” Nordsieck said.
Partners of the sponsor’s fair at the event included: Mercy Health, Munson Ski & Marine, Kunes Country, Wausau Homes of Elkhorn, Lake Lawn Spa and Resort, Side by Side, Cancer-Fighter!, Happy Camper Coffee and the United Way.
Corporate teams participated from the following: Wisconsin Oven, Mercy Health, Side by Side, New Beginnings, Wausau Homes, Thrivent Financial, the United Way and the Lake Geneva Food Pantry.
Overall, the event raised more than $10,800 (net income) that will help United Way fund worthwhile agencies throughout Walworth County, according to Nordsieck.
“We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to get a good education, find a job that allows them to care for their families through retirement and enjoy good health. We partner with agencies that provide services and support to achieve these mission goals,” he said.
Mark Eban from XMTiming kept the times and has posted complete race results online at xmtiming.com.
For more about United Way visit unitedwaywalworth.org or call 262-374-4474.