Student Council leads fundraising efforts to raise more than $1,100
The Jackson Elementary School Student Council has been very involved in fundraising for Hope Now, Inc.
Every council meeting, students made signs to help promote the monthly fundraising theme. They then displayed those signs around the school building.
Students were encouraged to bring in at least a quarter (25 cents) for participating and there were numerous themes followed over a five-month period.
Those themes were:
- In January, the theme was school spirit day and as such, students and staff were encouraged to wear purple and gold and/or Jackson Elementary School shirts.
- In February, the theme was PJ Day. Students and staff were encouraged to wear appropriate pajamas or comfortable clothing.
- March featured a theme of twin day. It included staff and students being encouraged to dress alike with another person at the school.
- In April the theme was crazy hat/crazy hair day. That led to numerous students and staff wearing a hat or coming to school showing off an unusual hairstyle.
- The May theme was labeled homeroom wars. Each class picked a theme to
wear and the ideas they came up with varied. Some classes chose a color that everyone in the class was encouraged to wear while some chose sports themed clothing.
The ongoing fundraising efforts were well received and the participation by students and staff at Jackson Elementary was high.
In the five months of efforts, the student council raised $1,134.73 for Hope Now, Inc.
Hope Now is a 501(c)3 community group that focuses on providing short term emergency gap assistance for housing, utilities and transportation for those in the Elkhorn Area School District.