It featured amateur boxing in the stock pavilion at the fairgrounds
By Heather Ruenz
Staff Writer
In addition to 2019 being the centennial celebration of the American Legion it’s the 100-year anniversary American of Legion Post 45 in Elkhorn. In honor of the post’s ongoing celebration, members are sharing its history including bringing amateur boxing to the area.
“Elkhorn American Legion Post 45 established in August 1919 and has been involved in the community for the same number of years,” Post 45 member Jim Boardman said.
“One of the earliest fundraising projects was establishing the Elkhorn Legion Athletic Club to present amateur boxing in the stock pavilion at the Walworth County Fairgrounds,” he added.
Boardman explained that there were amateur boxers from southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois who would compete for a small purse at the boxing events.
“The original tickets sold for a dollar and ladies were welcome to view the fights,” he said, adding that the boxing bouts at the fairgrounds lasted until the mid to late 1950s when the majority of people had televisions and could watch professional boxers on the Friday Night Fights show….
The legion will host an anniversary celebration in September with more details to follow as it draws nearer.
Read the rest of the story and see more photos of mementos in the May 30 Elkhorn Independent and other Southern Lakes Newspapers’ publications.