By Heather Ruenz
Sln Staff
What began as a simple idea – to improve the beautification of downtown Elkhorn – quickly grew into a reality and now, 72 pots can be seen throughout the city boasting flowers and plants.
It’s all about making the right connections, according to Stephanie Hansen, executive assistant with the Walworth County Economic Development Alliance, which also teams up with the Elkhorn Economic Development Alliance.
Hansen said WCEDA’s executive director, Derek D’Auria, who also heads the EEDA, played a key role in getting the project off the ground.
“The city took the planters out of storage and put them out for us but we didn’t have plants so contacted Dave (Kruse),” Hansen said.
Kruse, the Elkhorn Area High School FFA advisor, said once he learned what the organizers wanted, he placed an order for the plugs, which his students started in the greenhouse at the high school.
“We came up with a list of color combinations including purple and yellow to match the school colors, as well as different textures,” he said.
To read more about the project, including sponsorship opportunities, see the Aug. 16 Elkhorn Independent.