It will feature voice recordings for searchable catalog
By Heather Ruenz
SLN staff
The motive behind a new endeavor is clear: document Elkhorn history through the voices of local people and create what will eventually be a searchable database.
Spearheaded by Chad Robinson, adult services librarian at Matheson Memorial Library, and Pat Blackmer, of the Walworth County Historical Society, the duo had its first interview with local historian Frank Eames a few weeks ago.
“We started with Frank. Just think about how much he knows about Elkhorn history. It’s amazing,” Robinson said.
Referred to as the oral history project, Robinson said one of the jobs of a library is to collect history and often, they team up with a local historical society.
Pick up a copy of the April 5 Elkhorn Independent for the rest of the story including details about participants being sought for the project.