By Heather Ruenz
The musical “Big Fish,” set to be presented at Elkhorn Area High School this weekend, focuses on Edward Bloom’s extraordinary adventures, tales told to his son Will, according to director Lisa Dettmann-Webb, who is also an English and Speech teacher at the school.
“In adulthood, Will seeks to know the “real” man, Edward Bloom, before his father dies. What he finds is an ordinary man whose life has been even more extraordinary than the tall tales he told. It is a beautiful story about love, a little bit of heartbreak, and inspiration,” Dettmann-Webb said.
Two of the musical’s leading actors took a few minutes during a recent rehearsal to discuss the upcoming performance.
David Drettwan, a junior at EAHS, plays the role of Edward Bloom. This will be Drettwan’s fifth production at the high school.
“It’s a great musical and I like that it’s a very heartfelt story,” Drettwan said, adding that his two favorite songs are “Be the Hero” and “Fight the Dragons.”
Drettwan said he doesn’t get nervous about performing but feels “the adrenaline rush for sure. I love everybody that’s in it – we’re like a family. It’s great.”
Bekah Trussler, a senior who plays the role of Sandra Templeton, said “Big Fish” will be her eighth production at EAHS.
“I love the contrast between the larger-than-life father and the simple life his son wants,” Trussler said.
Her favorite song is “I don’t need a roof” because it shares how Sandra “needs him and not a house to be home.”
Trussler said being involved in the productions at the high school have provided the best experiences she’s had because it’s a tight-knit group.
“I still get a bit nervous right before the curtain opens but once we start, that goes away,” Trussler said.
Though she hasn’t decided where she’ll attend college yet, one thing is clear.
“I’m going to study music and theatre,” Trussler said.
The cast for “Big Fish” includes: David Drettwan, Edward Bloom; Bekah Trussler, Sandra Templeton; Blake Sterken, Young Will; AJ Sanchez, Will Bloom; Julia Los, Josephine Bloom; Zoe Gatz, The Witch; Makayla Griffin and Lydia Chechowitz, Witches; Mitch George, Zacky Price; Caleb Barlow, Don Price; Charlie Cantrell, Karl/The Giant; Stephan Trussler, Amos; Taylor Ellsworth, The Mermaid; Aydon Clikeman, Dr. Bennett; Kara Johnson, Jenny Hill; Bekah Trussler, Ali Sanchez and Elise Texidor, Alabama Girls, and Hunter O’Laughlin, Mayor.
Townspeople, Circus Folk and Mourners are played by: Joey Stilling, Gabe Perez, Makayla Griffin, Taylor Ellsworth, Lydia Chechowitz, Amber Glassel, Paris Barker, Celie Helstad-Johnson, Emma Kohl, Maddi Weinstock, Liberty Tidberg, Faith Lusignan, Jacqueline Siedenburg-Sis, Michael Markham, Ali Sanchez, Elise Texidor and Aydon Clikeman.
“The musical offers engaging and magical scenes full of beautiful and lively music and dance. It’s a story appropriate for all ages and is based on the book by John August with music and lyrics by Andrew Lippa,” Dettmann-Webb said.
Tickets are $5 in advance and $6 at the door. The musical will be performed at 7 p.m. on Friday, April 7 and Saturday, April 8 in the James A. Wehner Auditorium at Elkhorn Area High School.