Walworth County Administrator David Bretl will be making his State of the County presentation at Walworth County Economic Development Alliance’s May breakfast program from 7:30 to 9 a.m. on Friday, May 17.
Each year, Bretl provides an overview of county initiatives, finances and future planning. In his presentation this year, Bretl will touch upon some of the forces that impacted Walworth County in 2012 and 2013, as well as what certainties and uncertainties lie ahead.
“While some important issues were settled in 2012, including the attempted recall of Gov. Scott Walker and the United States Supreme Court’s upholding of the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act, other issues remain unresolved,” WCEDA said in a news release.
“The federal ‘fiscal cliff’ triggered by the Budget Control Act will begin to impact federally funded programs as early as this fall. Recognizing that issues at the state and federal level are out of the county’s hands, it is important for Walworth County to keep its own fiscal house in order and remain flexible to deal with changes that may come along.”
Even through the sluggish economic recovery and times of great uncertainty, Walworth County has maintained it fiscal discipline, while making sure to invest in its future growth, according to the news release.
Overall, Walworth County has a solid infrastructure, and its assets are in good condition, which wasn’t always the case, the news release stated.
“During a 10-year period, we’ve replaced or renovated most of the County’s facilities,” Bretl said. “Even though we borrowed to replace or upgrade the facilities, we have seen our overall debt decrease since 2006, which has caused our debt service to drop by over $6.5 million over the same period.”
To attend the program, call (262) 741-8527, email [email protected] or visit walworthcounty.eventbrite.com.
The cost to attend is $10 for the public and free for WCEDA members. The event will be held at Gateway Technical College’s Elkhorn Campus in room 112 located at 400 County Road H, Elkhorn. Advanced registration is required.