Buildings will be open Monday to retrieve necessary items
The East Troy Community School District is closing the school starting Monday. District Administrator Chris Hibner sent a letter to families in the district Sunday evening informing them of the change after an emergency School Board meeting Sunday night.
“We do not take the decision to close lightly and acknowledge that this decision may cause significant difficulties in these unprecedented times. However, the health and safety of our students and staff remains our highest priority,” Hibner said in a email.
The letter reads:
Dear East Troy Community School District Families,
As you know, based on the guidance issued by the CDC, the East Troy Community School District is closed effective Monday, March 16.
In order to support students and families, buildings will be open for limited groups at a time in order to pick-up personal items and provide for elementary Chromebook distribution. All buildings will be accessible for brief time periods TOMORROW, Monday, March 16th from 3-8pm. Between these hours, families will be able to pick up essential items including medications or other personal items. Elementary Chromebook distribution will also occur during this time at your child’s respective building (Little Prairie and Prairie View). In the event that you are unable to make it during this time, please contact your building principal in order to schedule an alternative time (Little Prairie please contact Stacey Kuehn, [email protected] if you require a different time on Monday). Please note, as this situation continues to evolve, we remain uncertain as to the length of time that any individuals will have access to buildings. Therefore, we urge you to make every attempt to come on Monday March 16th.
It is still the District’s intention to start virtual learning on Monday, March 23. To that end, we are summarizing the schedule for parents and students as follows:
Monday: Buildings accessible for Chromebook/medication/personal items pick-up only from 3-8pm
Tuesday through Friday: Buildings closed
Monday, March 23rd: Start of virtual learning
Tuesday, April 14th: Face-to-face instruction currently scheduled to resume
As a reminder, school meals will not begin until March 23rd; if you are in need of school meals, please complete the following survey. As always, thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Dr. Christopher G. Hibner
District Administrator