Graduation is Sunday afternoon
The East Troy High School Class of 2019 will walk the stage at 1 p.m. on Sunday, at East Troy High School, 3128 Graydon Ave.
The high school hosted its annual Senior Awards on May 19. Graduating seniors were recognized for their achievements and awarded scholarships in a ceremony in the high school gym.
The school awards and recognitions included:
School awards and recognition
Senior Class Officers: Megan Mast, Cole Marcinkevic, Nicholas Schwall, Mckenna Mack
National Honor Society:
Ashley Andrist, Samantha Balciunas, Ben Biersack, Rachel Bottum, Mikki Egle, Logan Fitch, Sophia Heimos, Mati Jakscht, Mikayla Lamping, MacKenzie Lindow, Cole Marcinkevic, Kylie Moker, Sami Mudlaff, Erin Rice, Taylor Schmitt, Brooke Schubert, Bina Scuric, Haley Shepherd, Jacob Smith, Belle Verbeten, Lindsey Winkler
National Art Honor Society:
Reese Billings, Georgia Woodley, Chad Metzger, Jennifer Schoon, Allyson Gebauer, Steven Schweder
National FFA Organization:
Sam Equitz, Logan Fitch, Erin Rice, John Veselka, Brionna Pellman, Haley Shepherd
National Business Honor Society:
Jake Smith, Mikky Egle, Nick Schwall, Sophia Heimos, Olivia Marsh, Matthew Kisting
Youth Apprenticeship Certificate:
Lindsey Yakich, Daniel Clinstman, Nate Bertschinger, Emma Harris, Benjamin Biersack, Brionna Pellman, Sam Equitz, Willow Rutzen, Jacob Price, Katie Meadows
Global Scholar Certificate: Kylie Moker, Liz Maliki, Megan Mast, Sophia Calcatera, Rachel Bottum
Academic Excellence Awards: Mikayla Lamping, Brooke Schubert
Technical Excellence Awards:
Brionna Pellman, Sam Equitz
Exemplary Attendance Award: Nate Fox
Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association Scholar/Athlete Awards: Michael Polakoski, Mackenzie Lindow
12 Letter Award Winners:
Erin Rice, Mackenzie Lindow
Local awards and recognition
Allan Integrated Control Engineering and Technology, Erin Rice
American Legion/Billy B. Gray Award, Andrew Gross, Sophia Heimos
Aurora Lakeland Medical Scholarship, Morgan Bartlett, Rachel Bottum
Beulah Wolline Trust Award, Cole Marcinkevic
Brad Mysliwski Memorial Scholarship, Roman Evans, Joe Blake
Brad Mysliwski Nubbinz Scholarship, Brandon Bakken
Bret Miller Scholarship, MacKenzie Lindow
Career and Technical Education Scholarship, Sam Equitz, Thomas Hanson, Dan Clintsman, Georgia Woodley, Ben Biersack
David Strand/Wisconsin Oven Scholarship, Jacob Price
East Troy All Sports Booster Club, Megan Mast, Roman Evans, Mati Jakscht, Ben Biersack, Sophia Heimos, Kylie Moker, Belle Verbeten, Rachel Bottum, Samantha Mudlaff, Erin Rice, MacKenzie Lindow
East Troy FFA Alumni, Sam Equitz, Brionna Pellmann East Troy High School Achievement Award Jake Smith, Brooke Schubert, Mikayla Lamping
East Troy High School Alumni Scholarship Fund, Samantha Equitz, Paul Friemoth, Ashley Andrist, Ben Biersack, Sami Mudlaff, Erin Rice
East Troy High School Alumni Alice Ludtke Memorial, Jenna Weiland
East Troy High School Alumni Leona Doubek, MacKenzie Lindow
East Troy High School Student Cabinet, Angeline Mallas
East Troy Lioness Club, Cole Marcinkevic, Lindsey Winkler, Kenneth Schroeder
East Troy Lions Club, Max Hanson, Joshua Marshman, Brionna Pellman, Elijah Newhouse
East Troy Times/News Outstanding Senior, Sami Mudlaff
East Troy Schools Employees’, Allison Slusar, Cole Marcinkevic
East Troy Woman’s Club, Elizabeth Malicki, Taylor Schmitt
Elizabeth J. Voght Award, Mckenna Mack, Sophia Calcaterra, Roman Evans, Kaylee McFarland, Logan Fitch, Jennifer Schoon
Howard/Cox Memorial Scholarship, Morgan Leising
Jeffery Clyde Kreft Scholarship, Brionna Pellmann
Key Club/Kiwanis District Foundation, Logan Fitch, Kylie Moker
Kiwanis Club, Jenna Gulig, Taylor Schmitt
Kiwanis Rishe Service, Haley Shepherd
Knights of Columbus. Nicholas Schwall, Sophia Heimos, Kylie Moker
LaFlin/St. James Masonic Lodge 247, Catherine Hammerstad
LaFlin/St. James Masonic Lodge 247 – Harold and Charlotte Koeffler Award, Nathan Fox
Lavonne Schroeder Memorial Scholarship, Angeline Mallas, Brooke Schubert
Martin’s Hardware Rental and Pet, Andrew Gross, Sophia Heimos
SC43 Soccer Scholarship, Kylie Moker, Belle Verbeten
Triangle Sportsmen Club, Logan Fitch
VFW Senior Award, Nik Moat, John Veselka, Allyson Gebauer, Houston Widener
Other awards and recognition
AAUW Scholarship, Erin Rice
Pride Athletic Scholarship-Football, Clark University, Iowa, Josh Marshman
Caroline Scholars Scholarshi, Mikky Egle
Carroll University Trustee Scholarship and Hilger Tradition Award, Brooke Schubert
University of Iowa Academic Merit Scholarships, Jake Smith
Gateway Technical College Promise Scholarships, Katie Vaselka, Lindsey Yakich
Henry Marshall Scholarship, Katie Aldred
NIU Athletic Scholarship-Volleyball, Bina Scuric
Presidential Scholarship, Michael Polaksoski