School District seeks volunteers for referendum committee

The East Troy Community School District is looking for 16 community representatives to serve on the ad hoc referendum committee. The district would like four representatives from each of the following categories: parents, businesses, municipalities, and general community/citizens. Preference given to those who have not been on a school committee in the past.

Meetings are scheduled from 5 to 6 p.m., prior to School Board meetings, beginning May 13, for a total of three to five meetings.

The ad hoc committee will address the specific question: Is a $1.4 milliion referendum for three years the right question to ask voters in the spring of 2020?

The committee will engage in discussion, debate, and consideration of the possible referendum; receive school finance information; and provide an advisory recommendation to the School Board on direction of referendum.

If interested, contact Kathy Zwirgzdas at [email protected], by April 3.


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