New business in East Troy has long history
By Tracy Ouellette
SLN Staff
After closing up his Kenosha shop and retiring from photography after three decades in the business, Fred Loomis moved to Genesee with is wife, Darlene, to enjoy retirement.
“It lasted about a year,” he said with a chuckle. “I got bored with it and started up again.
So, in November, he rented a studio just off the East Troy Village Square, hauled all his equipment out of storage and re-opened Loomis Photographers at 3066 Main St., Suite 110.
“It’s something I really enjoy,” he said. “I very much like to teach photography and I missed it, I could only go about a year without it. I get as much out of teaching as the students do, if not more. We all learn from each other.”

Loomis said he spent most of his career in Professional commercial photography service agencies but also taught classes much of that time.
“It was very popular in Kenosha and I’m hoping it’s something people are interested in here. This is a combination commercial photography studio and classroom,” he said.
The fully equipped studio will start hosting digital photography classes sometime in February, although Loomis hasn’t set the dates for the classes yet.
“It’s going to depend on the interest and how many people want to take classes,” he said. “I’m open to a couple nights a week. The classes will be four-week courses, two hours a night.”
Loomis will also offer photo-editing classes.
“I want to get those up and running in February too,” he said. “I keep those classes small, two or three at a time, otherwise it gets just crazy with everyone all over the place. This way I can really work with the students and give them one-on-one time.”
Loomis said he will begin his Basic Digital Photography class as soon as he has four to five people interested.
“I like to have those classes stay about 10 students, so as soon as we have enough, I’ll get it going,” he said.
In the basic class, Loomis said he goes through the camera functions with the students, teaches about photo composition, lighting and what makes a good photo. He gives out weekly assignments and then critiques the students’ work at the next session.
“I always tell people the camera is just a tool, I’ve seen amazing photos from a point-and-shoot camera, it’s how you use it,” he said.
The photo editing class teaches students how to use photo-editing software and how to touch up photos. This class is three sessions.
Loomis said the Basic Digital Photography and Photo Editing classes will cost about $90.
While these first classes are geared for adults and teenagers, Loomis said he would like to offer classes for children eventually. With the growing number of social media users, more people are interested in photography. Some are even using photo editing and picture organizing software like professional photographers.
“I kind of want this to be a club for photography,” he said. “I want to have people use the studio for their own work and I want to offer a chance for people to see what they can do. If someone wants to do a portrait shoot, I’m all set up for it and they can just come in, mount their camera and get to work.”
That desire to offer a space for people to explore photography is what prompted Loomis to re-open his shop and what drives him to go the extra mile in customer service.
“If someone wants to come in an talk about what makes a good photograph, that’s what I’m here for,” he said. “I’ll meet with people one on one if they can’t do a class. I’m flexible with class times too.”
He added he would eventually like to add Saturday morning session to his class schedule.
“Those would be two, four-hour sessions, I did those in Kenosha and they were popular,” said.
As for that one-on-one time, Loomis charges $50 an hour.
“But then you don’t get the fluff with that,” he said. “You get what you need because you’re asking the questions.”
The studio is open for business, but Loomis said the hours he’s in the facility vary, so he recommended people call ahead at 262-552-8168 if they want to stop by.
For more information and a class schedule when it’s complete, visit www.loomisphotographers.com.