Gerard’s Embrace annual fundraiser set for Sept. 17
By Tracy Ouellette
SLN Staff
Gerard’s Embrace will have its second annual Fun Day at the Farm fundraiser from noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 17, at Healey’s Wholesome Haven, W1838 St. Peters Road, East Troy.
The event will feature family friendly activities, bounce house, face painting, wagon rides, and silent and live auctions. Caramel apple, baker and kettle corn booths will be available.
Although a fundraiser, the event is more about raising awareness of what’s Gerard’s Embrace is all about.
“Even more than raising money, it’s in our hearts to get the information out there about who we are and what we’re trying to do and maybe even tough some of the people who need our help,” said Alexis Olejniczak, a Gerard’s Embrace board member.
Gerard’s Embrace is a non-profit organization that assists homeless and unwed pregnant women and their children. The idea for the home came from Suzanne Kasper, president of Gerard’s Embrace Inc., when her own daughter, a homeless mother-to-be, was staying at the old rectory building owned by St. Peter the Apostle Parish in East Troy in 2014. When lead was discovered, the building was shuttered, but Kasper said she kept the idea of re-opening it as a home for homeless pregnant women.
Gerard’s Embrace was formed and began restoring the old rectory in 2016. Lead abatement and mold removal was ongoing for many months and completed earlier this summer, but funds are still needed to make the home safe for occupancy.
“Our next big project is the replacement of some of the roof and we also have some plumbing issues that need to be resolved,” said Alexis Olejniczak, a Gerard’s Embrace board member.
The home will also need its floors refinished and painting done before anyone can move in.
“We’ve have someone who’s donated paint and a local business that’s donated the labor for the painting and someone else who’s donated the labor for the roofing, so we just need the materials for that project,” Olejniczak said.
A move in date hasn’t been set, as organizers don’t know just how long some of the projects will take. But when the home is up and running it will be able to house four to eight mothers at a time, Olejniczak said.
“We still have a lot of work to do and need a lot of help just getting the basic stuff done to get the house to where someone can live comfortably, but we’re getting there,” she said.
Admission to the Fun Day at the Farm, which includes a meal and beverage, will be $10 for adults and $5 for kids age 11 to 15. Kids 10 and younger are admitted free of charge with adult. All proceeds from the event will go to the ministry.
Anyone interested in donating can mail the check to Gerard’s Embrace Inc., c/o St. Peter the Apostle Parish, 1995 Beulah Ave., East Troy, WI 53120.
For more information, find them on Facebook, email [email protected], or visit www.gerardsembrace.com.