Saturday’s event to feature family friendly fun plus a showcase of trains
The East Troy Railroad Museum is expanding its traditional Railfan Day on Saturday to include a variety of family-friendly activities.
“Railfest will be an interesting, fun and informative day out for families,” Railroad Museum President Ryan Jonas said. “And it will also still appeal to the avid railfan interested in seeing and riding all our operating equipment.”
Regular trains begin running at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, June 24. The last train departs East Troy at 3 p.m. The trains complete a round-trip between East Troy and Indianhead Park in Mukwonago in about 90 minutes. One ticket is good for rides all day. Passengers can also board at the Elegant Farmer. The special activities will take place in several locations near the East Troy Depot and across from the Elegant Farmer in Mukwonago.
Railfest planned activities include:
- Miniature train rides on the Milwaukee Light Engineering Society 7-1/2” gauge railroad in the maintenance facility across from Elegant Farmer;
- Speeder rides on the East Troy Industrial Spur. A speeder is a small work vehicle used by track maintenance crews – riders will depart from the East Troy Depot and ride the tracks formerly serving manufacturers in the village;
- Face painting by artist Suzy Sparkles in the East Troy Depot;
- Model railroad car building will let kids try their hand at assembling model railroad car kits (while supplies last) in the East Troy depot;
- An Operation Lifesaver educational display will remind kids and their parents that railroad crossings can be dangerous places. Since trains always have the right of way and cannot stop quickly, drivers and pedestrians need to be cautious. Located at the maintenance facility across from Elegant Farmer.
- A Gandy-Dancer Demo will explain how railroad tracks are built and maintained. Gandy-Dancer is a railroad term for a track maintenance worker;
- Tours of the maintenance facility will be hosted throughout the day;
- Sandwiches and snacks will be for sale in East Troy Depot;
- Free popcorn will be available at the maintenance facility;
About the museum
The East Troy Railroad Museum is a living history museum that lets people see and experience what it was like to ride an electric trolley or interurban car 90 to 100 years ago. With more than 30 historic railroad cars, including 15 that currently operate, the railroad features Chicago, South Shore and South Bend interurban cars, a Sheboygan interurban car, and streetcars from Milwaukee and Minneapolis. The museum is run entirely by volunteers.
The East Troy Railroad Museum operates 14-mile round trip excursions from its historic East Troy depot and museum to Indianhead Park in Mukwonago, with a stop at the popular Elegant Farmer store and deli. This year the museum is celebrating 110 years of electric railroading through southeast Wisconsin’s Kettle Moraine countryside. The 501(c)(3) not-for-profit railroad museum is operated and managed by more than 130 volunteers committed to the operation and preservation of historic trolleys and interurban railcars.
For more information, visit www.easttroyrr.org or call (262) 642.3263.