Village Board looks at water main upgrades

By Tracy Ouellette

SLN Staff

The East Troy Village Board has been looking at upgrading infrastructure and listened to another presentation from Ben Wood of Strand Associates Inc. on the probable costs and time lines for work on the water mains and the sanitary and sewer lines.

Wood first presented Strand’s study of the water, sanitary and sewer system to the board on Feb. 6. After that meeting, the board requested more information time and cost estimates for the repairs.

Wood returned Monday night to present the board with the additional information, which included more detailed plans for the work on the downtown square, construction impacts and long-term water main replacement planning.

The estimated cost for just the water main work on and around the square was about $1.8 million. This would include trenching, installation, backfill, and asphalt surface restoration for repairs and upgrading to 12-inch water mains.

The total cost of the recommended repairs/upgrades to the square area for water, sanitary and sewer work was estimated at about $2.4 million.

For the full story, see the April 5 edition of the East Troy Times.

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